24 Januar 2024

10:00 - 11:00



Henriette Hartmann

+ 49 (0) 30 - 200 7363 13

  • Program

ICC Germany and ICC HQ have the pleasure to invite you to an exclusive info-session for German banks to present the most recent products and services launched by the ICC to support the banking industry.

Session program:

1: The first part of the info-session will feature a presentation of the executive summary of the recently launched ICC Trade Register 2023, with data representing nearly a quarter of all global traditional trade finance transactions in 2023.

2: The second part of the info-session will update German Banks on training opportunities for their staff including the recently launched CDTS – Certificate in Digital Trade Strategy – as well as the ICC Academy portfolio of trade finance certificates and in-house training programmes.

3: The last part of the session will focus on the current “ICC Principles for Sustainable Trade: Wave 2”, which provides a frame to assess both the environmental sustainability of a transaction, and how it supports socio-economically sustainable development.

Participation is free for members, external participants upon request. We are looking forward to welcoming you!

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