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Focussing on Investment, this book provides an overview of rules applicable to making and protecting foreign investments. It will enable the business community, in-house counsel, and government counsel to better understand the types of protection provided by international investment agreements and investment contracts, as well as the range of issues that arise in the arbitration of investment disputes.
With contributions from 25 legal experts, the book addresses:
User Friendly
Throughout the book, business guidance can be found in shaded boxes. Case descriptions and brief legal analyses appear in text boxes. Legal references and cases are provided in endnotes that follow each chapter.
“This Guide is a very useful and practical roadmap to the substantive and procedural matters that increasingly arise in investment arbitration. Its clear text and interesting illustrations of principles from actual cases make it a very useful read for both expert practitioners and for those who are looking at the subject from other disciplines or for the first time.”
Meg Kinnear, Secretary-general, International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)
“The study of international investment law has never been more important than in these times of ceaseless uncertainties. The authors of this volume do an admirable job of exploring and explaining dispute resolution regarding foreign investments, particularly the ICSID system, within the context of uncertainty. Students, practitioners and policy specialists alike will find much value in this work.”
Mark Kantor, Independent Arbitrator
“This is an excellent introduction to the entire field of international investment law and international mechanisms for the settlement of investment disputes. Written in a clear and accessible style by experts in the field, the book is both stimulating and enlightening to read. I recommend it highly to newcomers to investment law and dispute settlement, and to more expert readers wishing to refresh their knowledge with reliable accounts of recent developments.”
Antonio R. Parra, Honorary Secretary General, International Council for Commercial Arbitration
Target audience
In-house counsel, Government counsel, Practitioners both expert and new-comers, Policy specialists & Students.
Details :
Author : | Marat Umerov, Borzu Sabahi, Ian Laird |
Number of pages : | 216 |
Publishing date : | 2018 |
Language : | English |
Code ISBN : | 978-92-842-0477-9 |
Table of contents :
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