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The ICC Antitrust Compliance Toolkit was launched on 22 April 2013 at the 5th ICC Roundtable on Competition Policy in Warsaw and can be downloaded free of charge below.
One key feature of this Toolkit is that it is designed by business for business. It draws on considerable expertise from in-house antitrust lawyers in larger companies, and from the expertise of the private Bar experienced in advising both SMEs and larger companies.
The ICC Antitrust Compliance Toolkit is intended to provide practical tools for companies wishing to build a robust antitrust compliance programme. It seeks to complement materials produced by antitrust agencies and other sources of guidance, by focusing on practical steps companies can take internally to embed a successful compliance culture.
This Toolkit reflects contributions from antitrust specialists closely associated with in-house compliance efforts in both small and larger companies around the world. The Toolkit does not delve into the complexity of the laws in each jurisdiction, but sets out a proposed approach to antitrust compliance that you can use globally in any country, whether that jurisdiction has sophisticated or less sophisticated antitrust laws. It is hoped that it will assist your company whatever sector you are in and whatever the size of your company, whether you are in a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) or in a larger company, to establish an antitrust compliance programme suited to your company’s needs, risk profile and resources.
Details :
Author : | International Chamber of Commerce |
Number of pages : | 93 |
Publishing date : | 2013 |
Language : | English |
Table of contents :
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