30 November 2023
12 Dezember 2023

- ICC Germany Side-Events
- ICC auf der COP
Besuchen Sie uns in der COP28 Blue Zone oder verfolgen Sie unsere Diskussionen über den Livestream:
04.12.23 I Enabling the Future: Insights from Business Leaders into Climate and Clean Energy Technology I Dubai: 10:00-11:30 (GST) I Berlin: 07:00-08:30 (CET) I German Pavilion (Zone B5, Gebäude #51) Livestream
The global economy is still overwhelmingly based on fossil fuels. Moving away from fossil fuels towards renewable energy requires clean energy and climate technologies like electrolysers and heat pumps but also intelligent networks and smart digital solutions on a large scale. The good news is that the technologies available today can make a massive contribution to combating climate change, curbing carbon emissions, and safeguarding our planet.
Climate and clean energy technology has been one of the fastest growing markets in recent years. Political pressure and public awareness of the growing dangers of climate change together with increasing competitiveness of renewable energy sources have driven companies to develop new technologies for decarbonisation. This panel will unravel the dynamic landscape of these technologies and discuss the risks and opportunities that shape their development and global scaling.
Hosts: BDI & ICC Germany
- Stefan Wenzel, Parliamentary State Secretary, German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
- Araceli Fernandez Pales, Head of the Technology and Innovation Unit, International Energy Agency
- Dr. Uwe Lauber, CEO, MAN Energy Solutions SE
- Miguel Ángel López Borrego, CEO, thyssenkrupp AG
- Holger Lösch, Deputy Director General, BDI
- Victoria Ossadnik, COO – Digital and Innovation, Member of the Management Board, E.ON SE
- Helmut von Struve, CEO Middle East, Siemens AG
- Oliver Wieck, Secretary-General, ICC Germany
04.12.23 I Achieving Article 2.1(c): Transforming the Financial System for a Low-Emission and Resilient Real Economy I Dubai: 18:30-20:00 (GST) I Berlin: 15:30-17:00 (CET) I German Pavilion (Zone B5, Gebäude #51) Livestream
This event will call for accelerated implementation of transition finance as a driver to achieve the Article 2.1(c). Senior executives of real economy transition champions, policymakers and financial practitioners will demonstrate ambition and action in transition finance. They will share their experiences and lessons on promoting progress of transition finance in achieving Article 2.1(c) at national, regional and global levels and accelerating actions through multilateral cooperation. The event will include high-level opening speeches and a panel discussion with experts, followed by a reception at the German Pavilion.
Hosts: ICC Germany, DZ BANK & UN ECE
- Dr. Esther Wandel, Head of Division for Investment Funds & Sustainable Finance, German Federal Ministry of Finance
- Dr. Stefan M. Buettner, Director of Global Strategy & Impact, Institute for Energy Efficiency in Production (EEP) and Chair of Taskforce on Industrial Energy Efficiency, UNECE
- Bruno Carrasco, Director General, Climate Change and Sustainable Development, Asian Development Bank
- Helga Flores Trejo, Vice President, Head International & Multilateral Affairs, Bayer AG
- Dr. Arina Freitag, Executive Board Member and CFO, TenneT
- Dr. Christian Hirmer, CEO and Spokesperson, Hirmer Group
- Dr. Mahmoud Mohieldin, UN High-level Champion for Climate Action
- Bianca Neumann, Chair, Resource Management Young Member Group, UNECE
- Benedict Libanda, CEO, Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia
- Marcus Pratsch, Head of Sustainable Bonds & Finance, DZ BANK
- Frank Scheidig, Global Head, Senior Executive Baking, DZ BANK; Member of The Sustainable Finance Committee of the Federal Government of Germany
- Oliver Wieck, Secretary-General, ICC Germany
- Audrey-Cynthia Yamadjako, Principal Climate Finance Officer, Climate and Environmental Trust Funds, African Development Bank
05.12.23 I Turning visions into reality: how to connect the dots along the hydrogen value chain I Dubai: 10:00-11:30 (GST) I Berlin: 07:00-08:30 (CET) I German Pavilion (Zone B5, Gebäude #51) Livestream
A swift ramp up of the hydrogen economy is both a chance and a necessity to meet global climate targets. It is clear that Germany will require large amounts of imports to cover its huge hydrogen demand. The German government is providing strong support and the regulatory framework in Germany and Europe is taking shape. However, the challenge to lift global value chains in a coordinated and timely manner remains big. After taking stock of the global hydrogen market, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Dr. Robert Habeck, will discuss accomplishments and remaining challenges with high-level representatives from industry and the financial sector. How can we become faster and better connecting the dots along the hydrogen value chain?
Hosts: BMWK, BDI, ICC Germany & econsense
- Dr. Robert Habeck, Vice Chancellor of Germany, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
- Lavinia Bauerochse, Global Head of ESG Corporate Bank, Deutsche Bank
- Clara Bowman, COO, HIF Global
- Tom Hautekiet, CCO, Port of Antwerp-Bruges
- Holger Lösch, Deputy Director General, BDI
- Bernhard Osburg, CEO, thyssenkrupp Steel
- Katherina Reiche, Chairwoman of the German National Hydrogen Council
- Dr. Roland Rösch, Director of the Innovation and Technology
Center, IRENA
06.12.23 I Strengthening Competitiveness in the Transition of Hamburg’s Business Sector to Climate Neutrality: An OECD and Hamburg Chamber of Commerce Perspective I Dubai: 11:30-12:30 (GST) I Berlin: 08:30-09:30 (CET) I Chez ICC (Zone B6, Gebäude #76) Livestream
Taking decisive action against climate change and addressing the energy crisis are at the centre of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce and the local business community’s commitment to net-zero emissions. In 2022, they teamed up with the OECD to develop advice and proposals to guide Hamburg’s businesses toward achieving climate neutrality by 2040. At COP28, the presentation of their first results will provide important insights into how Hamburg’s economy can become climate neutral and how economic success and climate protection can be harmoniously combined.
Hosts: Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, OECD & ICC Germany
- Hassan Al Hashemi, Vice President – International Relations, Dubai Chambers
- Dr. Malte Heyne, CEO, Hamburg Chamber of Commerce
- Lamia Kamal-Chaoui, Director of the OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities, OECD
- Dr. Helge Sachs, Senior Vice President Sasol ecoFT, Sasol Germany GmbH
- Andrew Wilson, Global Policy Director, ICC
Der Countdown für die diesjährige Weltklimakonferenz in Dubai ist eingeläutet. Die 28. UN-Klimakonferenz (COP28) findet vom 30. November bis 12. Dezember 2023 in einer Zeit erheblicher politischer und wirtschaftlicher Unsicherheit statt. Umso wichtiger, dass von der diesjährigen COP die klare Botschaft ausgeht, dass Regierungen und Wirtschaft in ihrem Engagement zur Umsetzung des Pariser Abkommens an einem Strang ziehen. Weiterführende Informationen zur COP28 und den Prioritäten aus Sicht der globalen Wirtschaft finden Sie hier.
Als offizieller UNFCCC Focal Point für Unternehmen und Industrie wird die ICC während der gesamten zweiwöchigen COP28 in Dubai vor Ort sein und tägliche Business Briefings organisieren, um aus erster Hand Einblicke in die Fortschritte der zwischenstaatlichen Verhandlungen zu geben.
Raum für Austausch zwischen dem Privatsektor, Regierungen und der Zivilgesellschaft wird die ICC an drei Standorten in der „Blue Zone“ anbieten, im eigenen Pavillon „Chez ICC“ (Zone B6, Gebäude #76) und – gemeinsam mit der WTO, ITC und UNCTAD – im „Trade House“ sowie der „ICC Partner Stage“(beides: Zone B7, Gebäude #88). Hier geht es zum gesamten Programm der ICC. [Link zur Karte.]
Für alle, die nicht vor Ort sein werden, bietet die ICC auf der Plattform „Make Climate Action Everyone’s Business Platform“ Möglichkeiten des virtuellen Austauschs, Veranstaltungen und Live-Übertragungen aus Dubai.
Bei Fragen und Anregungen melden Sie sich gern bei uns unter dana.enss@iccgermany.de.