ICC Model Contract Selective Distribution

ICC Model Contract Selective Distribution



Artikelnummer: 773 E
Lieferzeit: nach Deutschland: 5-7 Werktage / in die EU: 7-14 Werktage


  • Beschreibung
  • Hinweise zu Auslandslieferungen

The ICC Model Contract “Selective Distribution” is intended for the marketing of products through a network of qualified retailers. Selective distribution agreements allow the exporter to better control the way its products are marketed by creating a direct link between the exporter and the retailers who sell its products to the final consumer.

This model covers selection criteria, the distributor’s minimum purchase obligation, the supplier’s general conditions of sale and after-sale service. It provides a sound legal basis upon which parties can quickly establish an even-handed agreement acceptable to both sides. It saves resources for companies and their legal advisers.

Updated in 2016, the model includes a USB key presenting the text of the contract in a user friendly and fully editable format, allowing you to adapt the contract to your specific needs.


Details :

Author : International Chamber of Commerce
 Number of pages :24
 Publishing date :2016
 Language :English
 Code ISBN :978-92-842-0364-2
Format in cm :21*29.7 / Paper version: USB key. EBook: link to the word version.


Table of contents :

  • 1.    Scope of the contract
  • 2.    Good faith and fair dealing
  • 3.    Modification of the range of products
  • 4.    Legal status of the distributor
  • 5.    Distributor’s obligation to purchase
  • 6.    Conditions of supply – prices
  • 7.    Information
  • 8.    Marketing of the products
  • 9.    Resale of the products
  • 10.  Assistance and training
  • 11.  After-sales service
  • 12.  Stock of products
  • 13.  Presentation of the products
  • 14.  Intellectual property rights
  • 15.  Inspections
  • 16.  Confidentiality
  • 17.  Assignment and transfer of the contract
  • 18.  Duration
  • 19.  Earlier termination
  • 20.  Effects of termination.
  • 21.  Previous agreements – modifications – nullity
  • 22.  No waiver
  • 23.  Applicable law
  • 24.  Resolution of disputes
  • 25.  Automatic inclusion under the present contract
  • 26.  Authentic text
  • 1.    1-a contractual products
  • 2.    1-b authorised sales outlet
  • annex 2: selection criteria
  • annex 3: distributor’s minimum purchase obligation
  • annex 4: supplier’s general conditions of sale
  • annex 5: after-sales service
  • annex 6: stock of products
  • ICC’s international contracts series
  • ICC at a glance

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