Expedited Procedures in International Arbitration

Dossier XVI of the ICC Institute of World Business...

Dispute Prevention and Settlement

Through Expert Determination and Dispute Boards Dossier XV of the...

Mediation Practice

8 Cultures, 16 Cases, 128 Creative Solutions


Negotiation/Mediation in the 21st century

Class and Group Actions in Arbitration

Dossier XIV of the Institute of World Business Law

Jurisdictional Choices in Times of Trouble

Dossier XII of the ICC Institute of World Business...

Third-party Funding in International Arbitration

Dossier X  of the ICC Institute of World Business...

The Secretariat’s Guide to ICC Arbitration

A Practical Commentary on the 2012 ICC Rules of...

ICC Force Majeure Clause 2003

ICC Force Majeure Clause 2003 ICC Hardship Clause 2003

ICC-SchO / DIS-SchO Praxiskommentar zu den Schiedsgerichtsordnungen

Praxiskommentar zu den Schiedsordnungen der ICC und DIS –...

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