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The Uniform Rules for Digital Trade Transactions (URDTT) Version 1.0 are the result of the mandate given by the ICC Banking Commission to develop a high-level structure outlining rules, obligations, and standards for the digitalisation of trade transactions.
The drafting process resulted in more than six full drafts, with over 1,500 comments received from ICC National Committees.
The ICC Uniform Rules for Digital Trade Transactions (URDTT) are intended:
The URDTT are designed to be compatible with UNCITRAL Model Laws, including those on Electronic Commerce, Electronic Signatures and Electronic Transferable Records.
The rules will serve as an overarching framework for Digital Trade Transactions thereby providing global standardisation, consistency and conformity, providing a collective understanding of terms and definitions, whilst promoting and supporting the usage of electronic records/documents/data.
Authors | The Drafting Group that brought this important text to fruition deserves special mention. Their names are listed below:
Advisers to the Drafting Group:
Number of pages: | 17 |
Publishing date: | 2021-10-01 |
Language: | English |
Format: | E-Book (free) |
Code ISBN : | 978-92-842-0611-7 |
ARTICLE 1: Scope of the Uniform Rules for Digital Trade Transactions (URDTT) Version 1.0
ARTICLE 2: Definitions
ARTICLE 3: Interpretations
ARTICLE 4: Principal Party
ARTICLE 5: Financial Services Provider
ARTICLE 6: Submitter and Addressee
ARTICLE 7: Electronic Records
ARTICLE 8: Non-Compliance of an Electronic Record
ARTICLE 9: Data Corruption
ARTICLE 10: Electronic Signature
ARTICLE 11: Data Processing System
ARTICLE 12: Payment Obligation
ARTICLE 13: FSP Payment Undertaking
ARTICLE 14: Amendments
ARTICLE 15: Transfer
ARTICLE 16: Force Majeure
ARTICLE 17: Applicable Law
Note: There is also a guide to the URDTT, you can find the publication here.
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